- "A Portrait of Lady K’abal Xook, Queen of Yaxchilan"
- "City Gates" Sarcophagus
- (Song Gui) Zhou Bronze gui vessel
- 9th Century Iraq Clay Ceramic
- A Commemorative Head of an Oba (King)
- Abbasid Lusterware 9th Century CE Iraq
- Achilles and Patroclus Kylix
- Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies
- Alabaster Relief of Assyrian Attendant
- Amenophis IV (Akhenaton)
- An Allegory of Intemperance
- Architectural Relief Depicting the Gigantomachy
- Athenian Decadrachm
- Attacking Warrior
- Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion
- Aztec Feathered Serpent: Quetzalcoatl
- Aztec Temalácatl
- Baal with Thunderbolt
- Bactrian Camel from the Tang Dynasty
- Bactrian Princess
- Ballyshannon Sun Disc
- Baptistère de Saint Louis
- Barberini Ivory
- Basin with Five-clawed Dragon
- Basse Yutz Flagon
- Beer Allocation Clay Cuneiform Tablet from Southern Iraq
- Berlin Goddess
- Berlin Green Head
- Black-figure Panathenaic Prize Amphora
- Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) Statue
- Borghese Warrior
- Borobudur Buddha Head
- Bowl with Dragons Among Waves
- Bowl with Green, Yellow, and Brown Splashed Decoration
- Box with a Floral Design
- Bronze Hand of Pre-Islamic Arabia
- Bronze Ife Head from the Kingdon of Ife, Nigeria (1400-1500 CE)
- Bronze Statue Head of Emperor Hadrian
- Bronze Statue of Vaikuntha Chaturmurti
- Bronze Zhou Cooking Vessel
- Buddhist Deity Indra
- Byzantine Christ Pantokrator
- Byzantine Gold Solidus of Theodosius II
- Canopic jar with lid in the shape of a royal woman's head
- Capital from the Cloister of the Monastery of Saint-Rémi
- Ceramic Fragments of Kilwa Kisiwani
- Ceramic Incense Burner
- Ceramic with Stucco and Pigment
- Ceremonial Knife (Tumi)
- Chess Piece in the Form of Two Knights
- Chinese "Kang Hou Gui" Zhou Ritual Vessel
- Chinese Banknote from Ming Dynasty
- Chola Buddha Shakyamuni
- Christian Processional Cross
- Cloisters Cross
- Clovis Spear Point
- Coffered Ceiling from Zhihua Monastery
- Coffin and Mummy of PaankhenAmun
- Corinthian Alabastron
- Crucifixion Diptych
- Cult Relief of Mithras Slaying the Bull
- Cuneiform Tablets
- Cup with the Raising of Lazarus
- Cycladic Marble Statues
- Dainichi, the Buddha of Infinite Illumination
- Double-Sided Mithraic Relief
- Double-shelled Ewer of Kashan
- Double-sided Mithraic Relief
- Duccio's Madonna and Child
- Early Jōmon Pot
- Earring with Nike Driving Two-Horse Chariot
- Earthenware Court Lady
- Ebih-Il Statue
- Egyptian Clay Model of Cattle
- Egyptian Ibex Head
- Elamite Worshiper
- Etruscan vase
- Ewer of Saladin
- Ewer with Feline Shaped Handle
- Example
- Fangyi
- Female Figure with Four Children
- Figure of Saint Chandikeshvara
- Five-colored Parakeet on a Blossoming Apricot Tree
- Footprints of Buddha
- Fountain from the Monastery of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa
- Four Hevajra Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle
- Frieze of Archers
- Funerary Figurine of Ramesses IV
- Gandhara Buddha
- Ganesha with His Consorts
- Glass Amphora From Olbia
- Goddess Figure (Chalchiuhtlicue)
- Gold Chariot from Oxus Treasure
- Gold Coin of Abd al-Malik
- Gold Coin of Croesus
- Gold Neck Ring
- Gold dinara coins of Kumara Gupta
- Grave Stele
- Gudea, King of Lagash
- Han Dynasty Lacquer Cup
- Hanging Scroll Painting of Jizô Bosatsu
- Haniwa Warrior
- Head of Arsinoe III
- Head of Augustus
- Head of Male Statuette
- Head of Shiva
- Head of Xochipilli-Macuilxochitl, God of Pleasure, Games and Music
- Head of a Priest (The Boston Green Head)
- Hedwig Glass
- Hinton St Mary Mosaic
- History 2701 Wiki
- Holofernes's Army
- Horse
- Horse Armor of Duke Ulrich of Württemberg
- Hoxne Hoard "Empress" Pepper Pot
- Hunping Funerary Urn
- Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
- Inca Gold Llama
- Incense Burner in the Form of a Duck
- Index: A History of the World in 50 Objects
- Indus Valley Civilization Stone Seal
- Inlaid Brass Ewer
- Iranian Shell Pottery
- Islamic Astrolabe Discovered in Spain
- Islamic Spanish Column Capital
- Ivory
- Ivory Casket from Al-Andalus
- Japanese Armor (Yoroi)- Early 14th Century
- Japanese Bronze Mirror
- Jar with Plant Motif and Birds
- Jina Rishabhanatha Statue
- Jizhou Tea Bowl with Tortoise Shell Glaze
- Jōmon Jar
- Karttikeya, Commander of the Divine, Seated on a Peacock
- King Alfred's Jewel
- King Menkaura (Mycerinus) and Queen
- Koryo Silver Ewer
- Kouros Statue of Ancient Greece
- Kudurru of Marduk-apla-iddina II
- L'Européenne Mummy Portrait
- La Cité de Dieu
- Lamassu
- Lidded Vessel with Peccaries, Bird, and Fish
- Limestone Divine Triad of Palmyra
- Lion relief from the Processional Way
- Local Historical Context
- Lothair Crystal
- Lêvy Oinochoe
- Madonna and Child-Cimabue
- Madonna of Chancellor Rolin
- Madonna of the Clouds
- Maize Deity (Chicomecoatl)
- Marble Column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis
- Marble Stele of a Woman
- Marine Mosaic
- Maya Female Figure with a Child
- Mayan Cylinder Vase
- Mayan Incense Burner Top
- Mayan Maize God Sculpture
- Medal for Mehmed II
- Medieval Islamic Fritware Bowl
- Mesoamerican Frog Yoke
- Mesopotamian Male Worshipper
- Metope 28
- Metope from the Parthenon
- Mihrab from the Beyhekim Mosque
- Minerva Bowl
- Minoan Bull Jumper
- Mississippian Effigy
- Mistress of Animals, Kingdom of Ugarit
- Mithras Slaying the Bull
- Moche Portrait Vessel
- Moche Warrior Pot
- Model of a Ballgame with Spectators
- Mongolian Tabouret
- Monteleone di Spoleto Chariot
- Mosaic Floor with Views of Alexandria and Memphis
- Mounted ruler (so-called Horseman)
- Mummy of Hornedjitef
- Narasimha (Vishnu's Man-Lion Avatar)
- Nasca Ceramic Drum
- Nazcan Human Effigy Vessel
- Octopus Jar from Knossos
- Oil Lamp Commisioned by Sultan Muhammad ibn Qala’un
- Old Trees, Level Distance Painting
- Olduvai Handaxe
- Oliphant - Elephant Ivory Tusk Horn
- Oliphant - Elephant Ivory Tusk Musical Instrument
- Oliphant Hunting Horn
- Olmec Figure Head
- Olmec Jade Mask
- Olmec Portrait Mask
- Olmec Stone Mask
- Ottoman Tughra
- Pair Statue of Djehuty-em-hab and Iay
- Panathenaic Amphora
- Para-Mamluk Carpet
- Pazzi Madonna
- Perforated Relief of King Ur-Nanshe
- Persian Glass Blown Bowl
- Persian earring
- Pilgrim Flask, Bianhu Type
- Pillared Temple Hall from the Mandanagopalaswamy Temple, Madurai
- Pillow with Confucian Scholar, Buddhist Monk, and Daoist Priest
- Plaque with Yakshi
- Plastered human skull with cowrie shells (Jericho Skull)
- Plate of Shapur II
- Portrait Bust of a Woman
- Portrait Vessel of a Ruler
- Portrait of Julia Domna
- Portrait of a Man with a Pink
- Portrait of a Young Man, Possibly an Olympic Athlete
- Portrait of the Artist Holding a Thistle
- Portrait of the Boy Eutyches
- Processional Way
- Pueblo III Bowl
- Pyxis of al-Mughira
- Qasr Mshatta
- Qingbai Porcelain Ewer
- Quadruped with Two Human Figures
- Qur'an Stand
- Qur'an stand
- Rampin Horseman
- Red-Figure Amphora
- Relief Panel of Assyrian Eagle God
- Relief of a Winged Genius - Assyria
- Relief with Enthroned Ruler
- Relief with Gladiators
- Roman Cast Mosaic Glass Bowl
- Roman Mosaic of a Dionysiac Procession
- Roman Tombstone
- Rosetta Stone
- Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata (van Eyck)
- Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin
- Saint Martin of Tours Dividing His Cloak with a Beggar
- Sancai Ceramic Figures from Tomb of Liu Tingxun
- Sarcophagus of the Spouses
- Scenery of Yixing: Autumn view of Tongguan
- Sculpture of a Huastec Goddess
- Seated Amitabha Buddha Sculpture
- Seated Buddha from Gandhara
- Seated Buddha in Meditation
- Seated Figure of Metjen
- Seated Goddess With A Child
- Seated Scribe of Old Kingdom Egypt
- Seated Statue of Gudea
- Seated Statue of Monju
- Seated figure of the bodhisattva Guanyin
- Sestertius
- Shaanxi Serving Vessel (Gui)
- Shah Abbas I and His Page
- Shang Ceremonial Axe
- Shang Dynasty Bronze Ding
- Shanxi Province Bronze Bell
- Shiva and Parvati
- Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja)
- Silk Fragment from 15th Century Granada
- Silver Tetradrachm of Lysimachus
- St. Francis receiving the Stigmata
- Standing Figure of the Buddha Sakyamuni
- Standing Male Figure
- Standing Yakshi relief
- Statue of Jizo Bosatsu, Japanese Bodhisattva of the Earth Womb
- Statue of Ramesses II, the 'Younger Memnon'
- Stela of Amenemhat and Hemet
- Stelae Offering to Ra-Horakhty-Atum
- Stele with Portrait of a Boy
- Stone Relief from the South-West palace of Sennacherib
- Storage Jar decorated with Mountain Goat
- Storage Jar with Horizontal Bands of Interlocking Scrolls
- Suggested Bibliography
- Sumerian King List
- Tang China Earthenware Camel
- Tankard (Hanap) with Tulips, Hyacinths, Roses, and Carnations
- Technical Evaluation
- Terracotta 'Eye Idol'
- Terracotta Head from Nok Civilization of Nigeria
- Terracotta Jug From Larnaca, Cyprus
- Terracotta Warrior from Tomb of First Emperor of Qin
- Tetradrachm Coin from the Bar Kokhba Revolt
- The 'Butler Ewer' (Ewer with Dragon Heads)
- The Adoration of the Magi
- The Alhambra Cupola
- The Antioch Chalice
- The Bersha Procession
- The Bust of Nefertiti
- The Centaurs Mosaic Floor Mosaic, Tivoli, Italy
- The Coronation of the Virgin
- The Crucifixion; the Redeemer with Angels; Saint Nicholas; Saint Gregory
- The David Vases
- The Eucharides Painter Shoemaker Vase
- The Felix Gem
- The Fish of Vettersfelde
- The Flood Tablet
- The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
- The Hunt in the Forest
- The Lady of Auxerre
- The Madonna in the Church
- The Mahaparinirvana Sutra (Sutra of the Great and Complete Nirvana)
- The Man of Sorrows
- The Monzon Lion
- The Praying Boy
- The Sphinx of Taharqo
- The Temple of Dendur
- The Unicorn Seal
- The Young Emperor Akbar Arrests the Insolent Shah Abu'l-Maali
- The iPod
- Tile Mosaic Panel
- Tivoli, Italy
- Tomb Effigy of a Recumbent Knight
- Tripod Ceramic Vessel with Ancient Teotihuacan Deities
- Tulunid Panel
- Tunisian Marble Tombstone
- Two Dog Palette of Archaic Egypt
- Two Princesses
- U.S. News & World Report
- Vase with Cranes and Clouds
- Venus de Milo
- Vessel Stand with ibex support
- Vessel of the Dancing Lords
- Vessel with Scribes holding Shell Paint Palettes
- Victory Stele of Naram-Sin
- Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Leonard and Peter and Scenes from the life of Saint Peter
- Virgin and Child Italian Renaissance Panel Painting
- Walk In The Garden
- Wang Mian’s "Ink Plum"
- Warrior with Facial Decoration
- West Bengal Stele
- Western Zhou Dynasty Ritual Food Vessel
- White Ware Lotus Dish
- Winged Victory of Samothrace
- Wooden Statue of the Guanyin Deity
- World Historical Significance
- Wuzhiqi
- Yang Pu Moving His Family
- Yaxchilan Lintel 24 a Mayan Relief of Royal Blood-Letting
- Yoruba Bell Head from Nigerian River Valley
- Zaō Gongen
- Zhou Bronze gui vessel